New to AGA, Partnering For Eternity is a scholarship program that fosters building relationships between student participants and a senior citizen. Students meet with their senior mentor each week to build connections and relationships that last a lifetime. Students who participate in this program will receive credit toward their tuition. Weekly commitment is one hour per week during the school year. Student participants receive a scholarship up to $1,200 per school year to be applied to their tuition.
For more information, please go to
Families will receive a 5% discount on annual tuition if paid in full by November 1. This coincides with the date that PFD checks are dispersed by the State of Alaska.
Students at AGA can be dually enrolled at Mat-Su Central. Mat-Su Central provides each student with an education allotment to spend on educational instruction and/or materials. Each quarter, Mat-Su Central will reimburse dually enrolled students for classes taught by AGA teachers, in math, art, music, social studies, and P.E. Parents will pay their normal tuition to AGA and then receive an instructional receipt to submit to Mat-Su Central for reimbursement.
The annual allotment for students in K-8th grade is $2,600 and $3,000 for high school.
For more information, please go to